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Great Lakes Tank Jackets

Choose color of tank wrap:

-1 = White
-2 = Almond
-3 = Blue
-4 = Black

• Not all sizes and colors stocked. Please consult sales for availability.
• All wraps are cut to fit Structural tanks only.

Plastic Tank Wraps

 Part #Description1+4+16+40+
 3770835-_8″ X 35″    
 3770844-_8″ X 44″    
 3770935-_9″ X 35″    
 3770948-_9″ X 48″    
 3771035-_10″ X 35″    
 3771044-_10″ X 44″    
 3771054-_10″ X 54″    
 3771354-_13″ X 54″    

Chrome Tank Wraps

 Part #Description1+4+16+40+
 3770844-58″ X 44″    
 3770948-59″ X 48″    
 3771035-510″ X 35″    
 3771047-510″ X 47″    
 3771054-510″ X 54″    
 3771248-512″ X 48″    
 3771354-513″ X 54″    
 3771252-512″ X 52″    

Tank Plastic Caps [2.5″ Opening]

 Part #Description1+4+16+40+
 3780828″ BLACK COVER    
 3780929″ BLACK COVER    
 378010210″ BLACK COVER    
 378012212″ BLACK COVER    
 378013213″ BLACK COVER    

Tank Plastic Caps [4″ Opening]

 Part #Description1+4+16+40+
 378012612″ BLACK COVER    
 378013313″ BLACK COVER