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Rusco Filters

3/4″ Spin-Down Polyester Filters with Flush Valves

 Part #Description1+5+10+
 3/4-24-F24 MESH    
 3/4-30-F30 MESH    
 3/4-40-F40 MESH    
 3/4-60-F60 MESH    
 3/4-100-F100 MESH    
 3/4-140-F140 MESH    
 3/4-250-F250 MESH    
 3/4-500-F500 MESH    
 3/4-1000-F1000 MESH    

1″ Spin-Down Polyester Filters with Flush Valves

 Part #Description1+5+10+
 1-24-F24 MESH    
 1-30-F30 MESH    
 1-40-F40 MESH    
 1-60-F60 MESH    
 1-100-F100 MESH    
 1-140-F140 MESH    
 1-250-F250 MESH    
 1-500-F500 MESH    
 1-1000F1000 MESH    

1 1/2″ Spin-Down Polyester Filters with Flush Valves

 Part #Description1+5+10+
 1-1/2-24-F24 MESH    
 1-1/2-30-F30 MESH    
 1-1/2-40-F40 MESH    
 1-1/2-60-F60 MESH    
 1-1/2-100-F100 MESH    
 1-1/2-140-F140 MESH    
 1-1/2-250-F250 MESH    
 1-1/2-500-F500 MESH    

2″ Spin-Down Polyester Filters with Flush Valves

 Part #Description1+5+10+
 2-24-F24 MESH    
 2-30-F30 MESH    
 2-40-F40 MESH    
 2-60-F60 MESH    
 2-100-F100 MESH    
 2-140-F140 MESH    
 2-250-F250 MESH    
 2-500-F500 MESH    
 2-1000-F1000 MESH    

3/4″ Sediment Trapper Polyester Filters with Flush Valve

 Part #Description1+5+10+
 3/4-100ST-F100 MESH    
 3/4-1000ST-F1000 MESH    

1″ Sediment Trapper Polyester Filters with Flush Valve

 Part #Description1+5+10+
 1-250ST-F250 MESH    
 1-500ST-F500 MESH    
 1-1000ST-F1000 MESH    

1 1/2″ Sediment Trapper Polyester Filters with Flush Valve

 Part #Description1+5+10+
 1-1/2-100ST-F100 MESH    
 1-1/2-250ST-F250 MESH    

2″ Sediment Trapper Polyester Filters with Flush Valve

 Part #Description1+5+10+
 2-40ST-F40 MESH    
 2-60ST-F60 MESH    
 2-100-ST-F100 MESH    
 2-1000ST-F1000 MESH    

3/4″ Sediment Trapper

Polyester Chemical Resistant Filters with Flush Valve

 Part #Description1+5+10+
 3/4-24ST-HP-F24 MESH    
 3/4-30ST HP-F30 MESH    
 3/4-60ST HP-F60 MESH    
 3/4-100ST HP-F100 MESH    
 3/4-140ST HP-F140 MESH    
 3/4-250ST HP-F250 MESH    

1″ Sediment Trapper

Polyester Chemical Resistant Filter with Flush Valve

 Part #Description1+5+10+
 1-100ST HP-F100 MESH    

2″ Sediment Trapper Stainless Steel Filters with Flush Valve

 Part #Description1+5+10+
 2-30STSS-F30 MESH SS    
 2-60STSS-F60 MESH SS    
 2-200STSS-F200 MESH SS    

3/4″ Spin-Down Polyester Filter Screens

 Part #Description1+5+10+
 FS3/4-140140 MESH    
 FS3/4-250250 MESH    
 FS3/4-500500 MESH    
 FS3/4-10001000 MESH    

1″ Spin-Down Polyester Filter Screens

 Part #Description1+5+10+
 FS1-4040 MESH    
 FS1-6060 MESH    
 FS1-100100 MESH    
 FS1-140140 MESH    
 FS1-250250 MESH    
 FS1-500500 MESH    
 FS1-10001000 MESH    

1 1/2″ Spin-Down Polyester Filter Screens

 Part #Description1+5+10+
 FS1 1/2-4040 MESH    
 FS1 1/2-6060 MESH    
 FS1 1/2-100100 MESH    
 FS1 1/2-140140 MESH    
 FS1 1/2-250250 MESH    
 FS1 1/2-500500 MESH    
 FS1 1/2-10001000 MESH    

2″ Spin-Down Polyester Filter Screens

 Part #Description1+5+10+
 FS2-6060 MESH    
 FS2-100100 MESH    
 FS2-140140 MESH    
 FS2-250250 MESH    
 FS2-500500 MESH    
 FS2-10001000 MESH    

Stainless Steel Filter Screens

 Part #Description1+5+10+
 FS3/4-60SS3/4″ 60 MESH; SPIN DOWN    
 FS1-60SS1″ 60 MESH; SPIN DOWN    
 FS1-200SS1″ 200 MESH; SPIN DOWN    
 FS1 1/2-140SS1 1/2″ 140 MESH; SPIN DOWN    
 FS2-60SS2″ 60 MESH; SPIN DOWN    

Sediment Trapper Polyester Filter Screens

 Part #Description1+5+10+
 FS1-500ST1″ 500 MESH    
 FS2-60ST2″ 60 MESH    

Auto Flush Valve

 Part #Description1+5+10+